The office, located in the hospital's outpatient department, has flowmetry, cystoscopy and urodynamic equipment, allowing the specialist to perform all the necessary tests and examinations in the same consultation, speeding up and facilitating the diagnosis, for greater safety and comfort of the patient. The office also has an ultrasound machine, which means that, instead of waiting for the patient who requires it to go to the radiodiagnosis service, the specialist, in the consultation itself, can perform the ultrasound and see at that moment what the problem is that afflicts him/her and make the appropriate decisions.
Urological office
- Consultation
- Ultrasound
- Urodynamic study
- Flowmetry
- Cystoscopies
Latest generation Holmium laser
- Stone removal
Treatment of erectile dysfunction
- Pharmacological treatments
- Prosthesis
- Infiltrations
Surgical area
- Ureteroscopy
- Ureteral catheterization
- Percutaneous nephrostomy
- Ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy
- Renal, bladder and testicular biopsy
- Prostate and bladder
- Renal surgery
- Prosthetic surgery for male incontinence
- Minor urological surgery
- Phimosis
- Vasectomies