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Rehabilitation - Physiotherapy

Rehabilitation - Physiotherapy

Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine is the medical specialty concerned with the diagnosis, evaluation, prevention and treatment of disability aimed at facilitating, maintaining or restoring the highest possible degree of functional capacity and independence. The scope of action includes patients with musculoskeletal, neurological, infantile and developmental, vascular and lymphatic system, cardiorespiratory, pelvic floor, communication, etc. pathologies.

The fundamental objective of the Rehabilitation Service at Asunción Klinika is to offer a health resource dedicated to preventing, diagnosing, assessing and treating possible deficits or alterations of the musculoskeletal, nervous and respiratory systems, fundamentally, that can be detected both in patients admitted to any of the units of this hospital, as well as in outpatients who are susceptible to improvement through our action.

The service is made up of two rehabilitation physicians and a Functional Physiotherapy Unit, made up of two coordinators and a team of more than twenty physiotherapists who have four complete rehabilitation gyms at their disposal. The Rehabilitation service at the Asunción Klinika also has a home care area.


The Functional Physiotherapy Unit makes it possible to streamline the service to the patient, empowering the figure of the physiotherapist who can attend to, without the prior intermediation of the Rehabilitation specialist, those processes that he or she can take on.

The Unit follows the current trends that are already being implemented in Osakidetza, in which physiotherapists are given more prominence in the care treatment of patients. It pivots on the figure of the coordinators, who are the ones who receive the patient - once he or she is referred by the specialist or Primary Care - and carry out the prescription, the treatment and the final report that is sent to the prescribing doctor. All of this, of course, always under the supervision of the Rehabilitation doctor.



Hospital consultations
Attention to the Medium Stay Unit
General rehabilitation
- Traumatology
- Rheumatology
- Geriatric patient
Pelvic floor rehabilitation
Respiratory rehabilitation
Lymphedema rehabilitation
Retractable scar rehabilitation
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Garcia Velasquez, Maria Alejandra
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