Solving all of your queries
Frequently asked questions, access to medical records, booking appointments, useful information for inpatients... This is your section

The Admission Service will manage your admission. You must present your ID and, if you come through the agreement , your Individual Health Card. If your insurance company or mutual is going to cover the income, you must bring the corresponding documentation.
In the Hospitalization Floor you will be received by the Nursing team who will provide you with everything you need to make your stay as comfortable as possible.
If you follow any medical treatment or suffer from any allergies , you should notify the Nursing staff once you arrive at the Hospitalization floor.
You have a tablet in the room from which you can call the infirmary in case you need help.

To avoid disturbing other users, the presence of more than two companions per patient is not advisable
Visitors should avoid loud talking and stay in the hallway
For their safety, it is recommended to avoid visits by children under 12 years of age.
You will receive a visit from the specialist every day you are admitted, except Sundays, which will depend on your clinical situation.
When the specialist comes to the room, all the companions should go out into the corridor. The specialist will inform them of your evolution at the end of it.
8.30am: Breakfast
12.30pm: Lunch
17.00h: snack
7.30pm: Dinner
The TVs in the rooms work on a prepaid system . The recharge cards are obtained at the vending kiosks located in the living rooms of each Hospitalization floor of each floor (Living Room). The cost of the service is 3 euros for 24 hours and 12 euros for 7 days.

On the ground floor of Asunción Klinika you will find a cafeteria - restaurant where you can taste delicious homemade food, pintxos, daily menu ... They also have newspaper sales.
Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Sundays closed

Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
What to do when you arrive at our centers for a consultation?When you arrive at any of our you must go to the reception desk, identify yourself and, if you have one, show the consultation sheet (flyer) given to you by your doctor. If you are a patient of Tolosaldea and you come through the Concert, you must bring the Osakidetza card with you. If you come through a mutual or insurer, you must show the corresponding card. If you are a private patient, your ID is enough. At the counter they will be in charge of informing you of all the details in relation to the consultation. Likewise, they will program and coordinate all the necessary tests and consultations.
How can I request an appointment?You can request your appointment by telephone, by calling the center you are most interested in attending, in person at any of our centers, or online, through our website. When you request your appointment you must provide your name, surnames, NIF, address. mobile phone and email. It is also important that you indicate whether the assistance will be at your expense -private patient-, at the expense of an insurance company or mutual, or if it will be through the Concert -Tolosaldea patients-.
Do I have to pay for assistance?If you are registered in the region of Tolosaldea, you can access most of the services offered at the Asunción Klinika, Andoain and Belate centers free of charge, thanks to the Agreement that makes us a regional hospital in the area. Otherwise, you or your insurance or mutual company will have to pay for the service. The Ordizia centers and the services of the Arrasate Medical Center are excluded from the Concert.
What services of Asunción Klinika are not included in the Concert?All the services offered at the Asunción Klinika, Belate Medical Center and Andoain Medical Center are included in the Agreement, except for the following specialties: - Psychiatry - Cosmetic surgery - Dentistry - Nutrition and Dietetics
What populations are included in the Concert with Osakidetza?By virtue of the Agreement signed with the dept. of Health of the Basque Government, by which Asunción Klinika acts as a regional hospital in the area, all people registered in the towns that make up the region of Tolosaldea can access the services of Asunción Klinika and the Belate centers (Tolosa) free of charge. and Andoain. The populations that are included in the concert are the following: - Albaltzisketa - Aduna - Albiztur - Joy - Alkiza - Altzo - Amezketa - Andoain - Anoeta - Asteasu - Baliarrain - Belauntza - Berastegi - Berrobi - Bidania-Goiatz - Elduain - Gaztelu - Hernialde - Ibarra - Ikaztegieta - Irura - Larraul - Leaburu Txarama - Lizartza - Orendain - Orexa - Toulouse - Villabona - Zizurkil
How to get to Asunción Klinka?Car: thanks to the connection of the N1 with the Clinic, you can access the center more quickly and directly, avoiding having to go through the urban center of Tolosa Bus: Tolosa's urban bus runs every 30 minutes. Check the schedules here. Train: Cercanías Renfe – Irún/Brinkola line. Check the timetables here
What parking options are there at Asuncion Klinika?If you go by car to Asunción Klinika, you can leave it in the four-storey car park that we make available to our patients and employees. People with a disability have parking spaces adapted for them on each floor and, in addition, special rates.
How can I know in which room a relative or friend is admitted?The Data Protection Law prevents us from providing any information about patients admitted to the Clinic and that includes their room number. To find out the room number in which a patient is admitted, you will have to contact him/her or his/her companion and have him/her give you the information.
What payment options exist?If you have received medical assistance as a private patient, that is, you have not come through the Concert or through an insurance or mutual company, you can pay for the services received in two ways: In cash: Before the consultation or intervention you must be informed of its cost so that you can prepare the amount to pay By bank transfer: Administration will prepare an invoice that you must pay to the account number indicated By credit card
Do you want to book, cancel or modify an appointment?You can do so through this link, entering your ID and date of birth: https://webhy.clinicadelaasuncion.com/#/login
Do you need to book an appointment for a radiodiagnostic test?You can request your appointment for your radiodiagnostic test by emailing radiologia@asuncionklinika.com or by calling: 943697360