9: 00h-9: 15h | Welcome
Dra. María Caballero: Medical Director of Asunción Klinika.
Dr. Jesús Gómez Montoya : President of Asunción Klinika.
9: 15-9: 45h | Inaugural Talk: Clinical intervention in the elderly; four guidelines not to forget
Dr. Iñaki Martín Lesende: Family Doctor in Osakidetza, representative of semFYC in the frailty management strategy of the Ministry of Health.
9: 45-11: 25h | Table on Nutrition and Frailty
Moderator: Dr. Juan José Calvo Aguirre . Geriatrician, Medical Director of Fundación Zorroaga.
Frailty and malnutrition | Dr. Joseba Muñoz: Geriatrist, Medical Director of the Biharko Group.
Diet in the elderly | Dr. Alfredo Yoldi: Endocrino, Head of the Diabetes Unit at Hospital Donostia.
Malnutrition in the Hospitalized Patient | Dr. Borja Ollo: Head of the Asunción Klinika Pharmacy service and Coordinator of the Study "Nutritional Status of the Hospitalized Patient of Tolosaldea".
11: 25h-11: 55h | Cocktail
11: 55-13: 30h | Table on Physical Exercise and Psychosocial Approach
Moderator: Dr. Javier Grijelmo . Rehabilitation Physician of Asunción Klinika.
Importance of physical activity | Dr. Javier Grijelmo. Rehabilitation Physician of Asunción Klinika
Fall Prevention | Ane Iriarte: Nurse at the Asunción Klinika Mid-Stay Hospitalization Unit.
Intergenerational Reference Center with children from 0 to 3 years old and dependent elderly people
Andrés Rodríguez González . General Director of Macrosad, a cooperative education and care company for people in their childhood and old age.
Mugi Tolosaldea | Asier Bakaikoa. Sports Technician of the Tolosaldea City Council and coordinator of Mugi Tolosaldea.
13: 30h-14: 00h | Reflection on the perspectives of aging society: challenges, opportunities and prognosis
Rafael Bengoa, former Minister of Health of the Basque Government. Co-director of The Institute for Heatlh and Strategy